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- Transformerande healing/Meditation 

3/6 KL.18.45–21.00

Varmt välkomna till vårens sista magiska meditation där jag, a member of the Arcturian Council will attend. Congratulations everyone because today you will receive the magic knowledge of Eywa Lo (The World Tree of the Gods beyond your reality).

Many of you have been attending to Malins meditations lately and we are more than grateful for everything that everyone of you accomplish just by walking on planet earth. And for all the work that you have been creating together during those meditations.

This event is going to be a powerful session together with us, The Arcturian Council. The council consists of different members of energies in higher realms and Malin is one of us even though she lives on planet earth. Its rare, but it happens.

What we will do today is to connect to the core of your essence and give birth to a new Arcturian seed within you all. This is essential to even become a physical person on planet earth. We will strengthen your wisdom connected to the Arcturian rase. Everyone of you has connection to the Arcturians with more or less percentage. We will send you beautiful rays of Arcturian light and through them raise the frequency in your beautiful light bodies/mercabas. This my friends will help you to get to a new level of consciousness.

Put on the seatbelts, it will be such a powerful evening with so much love from higher realms and the higher aspects of you. Mother Mary is waving, she will also attend. The Arcturian Council will be leading the meditation, but we will have other energies helping us too.

Hope to see you next Monday the 3rd of June. Such a beautiful date. This will be a day to remember.

The member of the Arcturian Council leaves.

(Jag börjar kanalisera på svenska och sedan blir hela texten på engelska)

450kr, Swish 123 415 34 90, eller kontant på plats.

Det går även att delta på distans för en kostnad av 150kr. Eller vara med på distans + få inspelning av kvällens event för totalt 300kr. Filen skickas via WE transfer dagen efter.

Om ni vill vara med på distans meddela helst senast kl. 15.00 samma dag om du vill delta.
Midsommargården/Telefonplan. Ingång på baksidan via en trädörr i korsningen Valborgsmässovägen/LM Ericssons väg (mittemot restaurang Landet). Koden är 1133 och man trycker den två ggr direkt efter varandra.

Om man är med på distans kopplar man upp sig eteriskt när eventet äger rum eller när det passar en själv. Jag skickar info och länkar till musik/toner innan eventet.
Ta med
Yogamatta, kudde, filt eller annat ni kan tänkas behöva. Det finns några lånemattor. Begränsat antal platser 12st. Anmäl till lundmalinlund@gmail.com.